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Super Simon

title:Super Simon
download page:link
genre:Puzzle Games
developer:Graham Pearce
last edit by:Richard


Super Simon is based on the grandaddy of audio games: Simon Says. The object of the game is very simple to understand yet tough to master. The computer plays a note (using the computerspeaker) and the player has to repeat that note, by pressing the corresponding key on the keyboard. Then the computer repeats the first note followed by another note. Now the player has to play these two notes. The goal of the game is to keep copying the sequences of the computer.
Super Simon adds several customizing options to the original game. It is possible to choose to play with 4,6 or 8 different notes and set the number of mistakes you may make before you lose. To make things more interesting you can also set the speed of the game, if (and how fast) this gamespeed accelerates and how long to pause in between sequences. Last but not least you can also choose to set the tones to diminished, major, minor or augmented.
Super Simon is a DOS-game but update 1.4 will also let you play it in windows XP. It's not entirely an audio game since all the instructions and menu options are DOS-text. However, since Simon Says is one of the most intuitive and original audio games ever created so it would be wrong not to add it to AudioGames.net.
The extra features are nice and add a little diversity to the original game, especially to experienced players.


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Updates: entry 2 Feb 22 and description 2 Feb 22

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